A fierce female berserker warrior who was a princess of a destroyed Kingdom in the world of Lost Ark. The Slayer, a profession that is highly balanced in offense and defense, which makes her a good class to build for new players in PVE and PVP.
In this article, we share the Slayer class guide with her Executor/Predator builds in our Lost Ark Series. It focuses on new F2P players while considering the P2W and hardcore players. It’s a starting point to build your own fierce female warrior class in a way that suits your time in Lost Ark.
In short: Slayer Class the 1st female warrior in Lost Ark, she looks powerful with great design and a skill set that resembles the Berserker. We provided 3 methods to build Slayer engravings along with suggestions for stats, skills, and tripods. However, the class engravings effects limit the variety of builds. Despite being a massive P2W game with a nasty grind, players can still enjoy the great combat and skill of the Slayer class in Lost Ark.
Slayer Class Overview:
Slayer class in Lost Ark is a fierce female warrior profession who wields a massive two-handed sword on the battlefield. Besides, it has the highest balance of offense and defense making it a reliable choice for any player. With the use of its Rage Mode, the Slayer has the potential to turn the tide of any battle in an instant, making it a powerful DPS class.
Moreover, the Slayer class is the first female gender-unlocked class for the berserker warrior and was released on January 18th, 2023 in Lost Ark. Besides, players can choose this berserker female class at level 10 from warrior professions but she’s the only female warrior at the time of the release.
If you don’t like the idea of the Lost Ark berserker female. You can still play the male Berserker and other related male warriors such as Destroyer, Holy Knight (Paladin), and Warlord (Gunlancer), which you can check out below:
The initial design of the Slayer was quite different from what was finally released, with the silhouette resembling the savage Tyerian tribe of the Rowen continent. However, after its official release, the design was refined to be more elegant. According to the game’s lore, the Slayer is the last princess of a destroyed Kingdom, which was invaded by demons.
In addition, the class received positive feedback for its well-designed skill effects, especially when compared to other female characters in the game. Additionally, players have responded positively to the class’s skins and gears, which can be obtained in chaos dungeons or by exchanging using in-game currency.
The Slayer has a unique skill set that is apart from the Berserker, despite sharing many similarities in motion and basic stats. As a gender-unlocked class, it offers a new set of skills for players to experience, including the Executor, which focuses on short-term burst damage to defeat enemies, and the Predator, which uses long-term buffs to outlast opponents.
Slayer Identity: Nothing Can Bind My Destiny!
The slayer class can go into Rage Mode by acquiring Rage Energy when attacking, once this rage gauge is full, she can go into Rage Mode.
The attack and movement speed of the Slayer who has entered the Rage Mode is greatly increased and while the Rage Mode is active, she gains an additional skill allowing it to inflict more powerful damage.
Furthermore, check out the KR Lost Ark Slayer trailer below, which shows a short teaser of this female berserker class:
Lost Ark Slayer Gameplay:
Slayer can be an excellent choice for players who want to take on any challenge the game has to offer. This is due to its combination of short/long-range attacks, AOE abilities, and high damage output to single targets. Therefore, you’ll see how this fierce berserker female warrior profession performs in the Lost Ark gameplay video below:
Best & Top Engravings For Slayer In Lost Ark:
As always, we present three methods to build Slayer Engravings for Lost Ark: Low-Cost, Balanced, and Common. Decide carefully on the right build for your fierce female warrior based on how much time and real money you are willing to risk losing.
Thus, the suggested Lost Ark Slayer engraving builds for PVE and PVP are listed as follows:
Low-Cost Engravings Build: Executor F2P & Alts
- Executor Level 3.
- Mass increase Level 3.
- Heavy Armor Level 1-3.
If you are a F2P Lost Ark player with low gold, this Slayer engraving build should be your ideal option (for those who dislike grinding loops, RNG, and costly losses). Plus, it focuses on Executor Engraving with Specialization, Critical, and Swiftness stats. Heavy Armor Level 3 is really fun to have in PVE but it is required for PVP.
This is also an All-In-One Lost Ark Slayer Build (PVE and PVP) that may be used for Alts. Additionally, don’t worry about the few engravings because Specialty stats will increase your damage while rage mode is active.
Balanced Engravings Build: Executor All-In-One
- Executor Level 3.
- Mass increase Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3.
- Precision Dagger Level 3
- Heavy Armor Level 1-3.
This is also an All-In-One Lost Ark Slayer Build (PVE & PVP) based on Executor and basic Engravings with Specialization, Critical, and Swiftness stats. The Balanced Executor build is for those who dislike meta, niche, and multi-builds.
Common Engravings Builds: Executor & Predator P2W
Please keep in mind that the Lost Ark Slayer Engravings builds shown below are used by whale Pay-To-Win and Hardcore players (costs time, gold, and real money). Thus, if you’re looking for a fun and normal gaming experience, this isn’t for you.
Common Executor:
- Executor Level 3.
- Backstab Master (Master of Ambush) Level 3.
- Grudge Level 3.
- Cursed Doll Level 3
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain) Level 1-3.
- Adrenaline Level 1-3.
Common Executor is preferred with Specialization & Critical stats (PVE-only).
Common Predator:
- Predator Level 3.
- Backstab Master (Master of Ambush) Level 3.
- Grudge Level 3.
- Cursed Doll Level 3
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain) Level 1-3.
- Adrenaline Level 1-3.
Common Predator is preferred with Critical & Swiftness stats (PVE-only).
PVP Engravings For Guilds War (GVG):
These can be added to any Slayer build to be suitable for Lost Ark GVG. knowing that any basic build (All-In-One) for the fierce female warrior profession with Heavy Armor at level 3 would be enough.
- Heavy Armor Level 3.
- Indomitable Will Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption Level 3.
Lost Ark PVP outside the arena is massively P2W unfortunately. Therefore, F2P and PVP players who are hoping to engage using the Slayer class in Lost Ark Guilds War (GVG) with an average item level will get one shot by P2W players. To know more, check below:
Class Engravings Details For Slayer:
Here is an overview guide of Slayer class engravings effects in Lost Ark:
Executor: During Rage Mode, increases damage dealt to enemies and increases Blood skill’s critical hit rate. But reduces Rage Energy gain and Rage Mode duration. The Exhaustion Effect does not happen at the end of Rage Mode.
Predator: When the attack hits the enemy, it absorbs blood from the enemy and recovers the Rage Gauge and Mana. Increases critical damage inflicted on enemies during Rage Mode, but gains a Fatigue Effect every 3 seconds, increasing rage gauge consumption, and cannot use Blood skills. At the end of the Rage Mode, the duration of exhaustion is reduced by the number of stacks of Fatigue, and when the exhaustion ends, the entire rage gauge is fully restored.
For other engravings overviews, check the guide below:
Combat Stats For Slayer In Lost Ark:
Here is a short list of suggestions for Slayer class combat stats, which are likely to be used in PVE and PVP:
PVE Combat Stats:
1st PVE Stats: ~60% Specialization ~25% Critical & 15% Swiftness
For example ~1400 Specialization & ~600 Critical & ~300 Swiftness.
This is preferred for the Executor’s Low-Cost and Balanced Builds. Also, you can change stats based on your gear level.
2nd PVE Stats: ~35% Critical & ~65% Specialization.
For example ~500 Critical & ~1600 Specialization.
This is preferred for a Common Executor build and requires critical chance effects.
3rd PVE Stats: ~35% Critical & ~65% Swiftness.
For example ~500 Critical & ~1600 Swiftness.
This is preferred for Common Predator build and requires critical chance effects.
Arena PVP Combat Stats:
1st PVP Stats: ~80% Swiftness & ~20% Subdue & ~1% Critical.
For example ~1000 Swiftness & ~249 Subdue & ~1 Critical.
This is a General PVP stats for all classes. Besides, Subdue can be switched with Specialization if needed.
2nd PVP Stats: ~60% Swiftness & ~40% Critical.
For example ~800 Swiftness & ~450 Critical.
This is also a General PVP stats for all classes.
Slayer Skill Tree & Tripods Builds:
Here you can find suggestions and examples of PVE skill tree builds for the Slayer class in Lost Ark MMO, along with their tripods guide.
As always, we encourage learning from any kind of build to create your own optimal one.
Skill Build Example Image:
To get a glimpse of the Slayer class skill tree builds and tripods, check the example image below (skills are translated from Korean by Google):

PVE Skill Builds:
Finally, we hope our Lost Ark Slayer guide is simple and useful for everyone, especially F2P players. Moreover, the female berserker class appears powerful and has attractive skills.
Although her class engraving effects aren’t that good in our opinion, it limits freedom and creativity while trying to create unique builds.
However, the Slayer can still be an excellent choice if you’re looking for a class to take on the game’s toughest bosses or enjoy the fantastic combat visuals Lost Ark offers.
Besides, players can also still have a great time playing this female berserker despite Lost Ark being a massive P2W game with a nasty grind.
As always, we strongly advise customizing any Lost Ark builds of this berserker female warrior to fit your style.
Furthermore, if you are a free-to-play player in this Pay to Win MMO game, your best option is to use only one Slayer build to maximize fun while avoiding grinding. Moreover, you might benefit from the following articles:
To Download & Play Lost Ark, check below:
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