Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Class, the Archer in the Age of Technology from Lost Ark. It’s a remarkable combination for the gunner profession in an MMORPG game. As a result, a very amazing ranger class emerged in Lost Ark with fun gameplay in PVE and especially in PVP.
In this article, we share the Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class guide for PVP and PVE in our Lost Ark Series. It covers the best engraving builds (Companion or Death Strike), gameplay, stats, and skills. Thus, you will get a fair impression of this unusual gunner or tech archer profession.
In short: Hawkeye (SharpShooter) is the 3rd male gunner and bow user character in Lost Ark MMORPG. Besides, it’s a different and unfamiliar ranger class with high survivability. Additionally, it is not a bad PVE class and there is a lot of misunderstanding about its gameplay in Lost Ark. However, everyone agrees that it’s a good PVP class. Moreover, it may be a difficult class to play, but if you choose the build that supports your playing style or you like this class, you will be the best.
Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Class Overview:
Hawkeye or SharpShooter is a unique gunner-type and ranged character that wields mechanical bows as a main weapon in the Lost Ark MMORPG game.
Besides, it’s the third male gunner character that has various short and long-range skills including his high survivability in PVP and PVE. Since it possesses excellent stealthy machinations and speed that keep him safe and fight for longer.
Hawkeye (SharpShooter) may seem to many players as an unfamiliar class since it’s a mechanical type of archer. However, it’s fun to play with it same as all other classes in Lost Ark.
Moreover, the Identity or special ability of Hawkeye (SharpShooter) is about summoning a silver hawk that can attack nearby enemies automatically.
Besides, to summon the Silverhawk, a Hawk Gauge need to be charged. Where it continuously charges during battles. In addition, the Silver hawk can use exclusive skills that include AOE attacks that can deal with groups of enemies.
Furthermore, Hawkeye or SharpShooter can sacrifice the Silverhawk to do a big explosion. Where in some Lost Ark builds it becomes like a secondary awakening.
Instead, Hawkeye or SharpShooter can combat with the Silver Hawk. In turn, it can create a huge advantage in long-term battles, which also depends on the type of build and stats the player used with this class.
Further, check out below Hawkeye (SharpShooter) related classes in Lost Ark MMORPG, including their guide and builds:
Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Is Not A Bad PVE Class:
First of all, you should know that there is no bad PVE class in Lost Ark. However, Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class may be difficult for some, especially with the wrong build, skills, and engravings, as well as those who only rely on the Pay To Win of Lost Ark.
In addition, classes in the Lost Ark game receive balanced updates all the time, which change things weekly without you even noticing.
So you can take the time to master this ranger class. Plus, consider choosing the build that suits your gameplay style and makes you have fun.
No matter how your Hawkeye (SharpShooter) build is different from the others, as long as you do well in Lost Ark PVE dungeons.
Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Gameplay:
You can watch the videos below about the endgame gameplay of Hawk-Eye or SharpShooter class in the Lost Ark MMORPG dungeons:
The video above shows gameplay inside a level of Abrelschud Commander, which is a legion/leader boss dungeon in Lost Ark MMORPG.
Another video shows one of the end-game PVE dungeons in Lost Ark. As you can see Hawkeye (SharpShooter) is not bad PVE class at all. Any class will be good in any game as long as they are in the hands of a good player.
In the third video above, you can see the Hawkeye or SharpShooter PVP gameplay in a 3 VS 3 arena in the Lost Ark game.
Best & Top Engravings For Hawkeye (SharpShooter) In Lost Ark:
We present here three methods to build Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Engravings for Lost Ark: Low-Cost, Balanced, and Common. Thus, pick carefully the proper build for your tech archer profession based on the unique ways that suit your gameplay style, time, and real money you accept to lose.
Therefore, see the suggested Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Engravings builds below:
Low-Cost Engravings: F2P Companion Build
- Companion Level 3.
- Master of Strike (Hit Master) Level 3.
- Heavy Armor Level 1-3.
keep in mind that this Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Friendly F2P Build is ideal for Lost Ark Casual players with Low Gold. Especially, for those who hate grinding, repeat looping, accessory RNG, and expensive build losses. This is also an All-In-One Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Build (PVE and PVP) and can be used for Alts.
Note: Low-Cost Companion build requires Critical/Agility stats. You can substitute Master of Strike (Hit Master) with Increases Mass or Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon). Further, Heavy Armor Level 3 is needed for PVP (extra fun in PVE).
Balanced Engravings: All-In-One Companion Build
- Companion Level 3.
- Master of Strike (Hit Master) Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3.
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain) Level 3.
- Heavy Armor Level 1-3.
This is an All-In-One Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Build that work for PVE and PVP. It’s especially for those who dislike meta niches and multi-builds.
Note: Balanced Companion build requires Critical/Agility stats.
Common Engravings: P2W Companion & Death Strike Builds
Please keep in mind that the Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Engravings builds below are used by Whale Pay-To-Win and High-Level Hardcore players (costs time, gold, and real money).
Common Companion:
- Companion Level 3.
- Grudge Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3.
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain) Level 3.
- Master of Strike (Hit Master) Level 3.
- Adrenaline Level 3.
Note: Common Companion build requires Critical/Agility stats (PVE-only).
Common Death Strike:
- Death Strike Level 3.
- Grudge Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3.
- Cursed Doll Level 3.
- Master of Strike (Hit Master) Level 3.
- Mass increase Level 3.
Note: Common Death Strike build requires Critical/Agility or Critical/Specialty/Agility stats (PVE-only).
Common Companion Death Strike:
- Death Strike Level 3.
- Companion Level 3.
- Grudge Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3.
- Adrenaline Lv.3
- Master of Strike (Hit Master) Level 3.
Note: Common Companion Death Strike build requires Critical/Specialty stats (PVE-only).
PVP Engravings For Guilds War (GVG):
The following engravings can be added to any Hawk-Eye or SharpShooter build to be ready for Lost Ark GVG or open-world PVP events.
- Heavy Armor Level 3.
- Indomitable Will Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption Level 3.
If you used the same Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Balanced PVE & PVP engraving build/guide that includes Heavy Armor level 3, then it’s good enough.
Still, in the Lost Ark Guild Wars [GVG], the PVP once is heavily P2W. Besides, the previous Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class builds and guides won’t help normal F2P Lost Ark players. Also, It’s because Guild VS Guild fights are for massive P2W guilds or super hardcore PVE players.
You won’t be capable of dealing any significant damage if your Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class is lower than them in items or equipment level. Therefore, check below to understand more about it:
Class Engravings Details For Hawkeye (SharpShooter):
Below are small briefs of the Hawkeye (SharpShooter) engravings level 3 effect, which can power up the Identity or the special abilities of this bow archer gunner user character in Lost Ark:
Death Strike: Recover the remaining Hawk Meter when using Last Rush. Plus, increase the damage dealt to the target that has been hit.
Second Companion: When the Silverhawk MK-II has summoned the character’s Move Speed increases. Plus, the Silverhawk’s Basic Attack damage increases, and its summon duration increases. Also, Silverhawk now adds a Mark of Death on the target that hits it with his basic attack.
For more details about the rest of the engravings, check the guide below:
Combat Stats For Hawkeye (SharpShooter) In Lost Ark:
The shortlist guide below shows Hawkeye or SharpShooter combat stats builds in Lost Ark PVE and PVP. Besides, recommended stats, percentages, notes, and examples were included:
Note: Specialty = Specialization / Agility = Swiftness.
Second Companion Build Combat Stats:
PVE Stats 1: 75% Critical & 25% Agility.
For example ~1700 Critical & ~600 Agility.
PVE Stats 2: 70% Agility & 30% Critical.
For example ~1600 Agility & ~700 Critical.
Death Strike Build Combat Stats:
PVE Stats 3: 65% Specialty & 35% Critical.
For example ~1500 Specialty & ~900 Critical.
Arena Combat Stats:
PVP Arena Stats: You can replace Specialty with Subdue.
80% Agility / 20% Specialty / ~1% Critical:
For example 1000 Agility / 249 Specialty / 1 Critical.
General PVP Arena Stats for all classes:
50~65% Agility / 50~40% Critical:
For example 800 Agility / 450 Critical.
Hawkeye (SharpShooter) Skill Tree & Tripods Builds:
Finally, the following are Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class skill tree builds and tripod guides that you can choose from:
PVE Skill Build:
Arena PVP Builds:
In the end, we hope our Hawkeye (SharpShooter) class guide is simple and useful for all, especially for F2P players. As always, I highly recommend performing changes to any builds of this bow archer gunner profession based on your gameplay style.
Furthermore, if you are a F2P player (non-hardcore) in this P2W MMO, your best option is to use only one Hawkeye (SharpShooter) build to avoid grinding. You can also benefit from the following articles:
To Download & Play Lost Ark, check below:
Furthermore, support our Lost Ark Hawkeye (SharpShooter) F2P guide by sharing it, also leave a comment for more gunner class builds and continuous updates.