Infighter (Scrapper) Class Guide & Builds for PVE/PVP: the most known martial arts fighter DPS class in Lost Ark MMO, which was introduced back when the game was announced for the first time.
In this short article, we share our Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) class guide and builds, which can be used as a start point for new Lost Ark players to know this heavy fighter class better.
In short: Infighter (Scrapper) is the 2nd female fighter character in Lost Ark MMORPG that uses a heavy gauntlet with unlimited infinite power. Moreover, It’s a super easy class, in which you can build your Scrapper or Infighter class skills, stats, and engraving in any way you want with less cost and without taking the Lost Ark game too seriously.
What Is Infighter (Scrapper) Class?
Scrapper or Infighter is a heavy fighter-type and a mele-range DPS class in Lost Ark MMORPG. Plus, it’s the second female Martial Artist character that uses a heavy gauntlet as the main weapon.
In addition, Infighter (Scrapper) is a typical class that does have excellent capability to penetrate enemies including nonstop destruction using heavy punches.
Same as other classes in Lost Ark, they did a good job with the gameplay of Infighter (Scrapper). Because It’s a well-balanced class with excellent attack power, defense, and mobility overall.
In addition, this Martial Artist character has excellent combat that never ends. In another word, Infighter (Scrapper) in Lost Ark has infinite power.
To illustrate, Infighter (Scrapper) has no mana, which means you can use skills unlimitedly. Plus, it has double dashes as well as jump and air attack skills.
Additionally, check out below similar Infighter (Scrapper) professions guides and builds (Fighter/Martial Artist classes) in Lost Ark MMORPG:
Infighter (Scrapper) Identity:
Infighter (Scrapper) class Identity or its special ability is all about drawing on two inverse forms of power, which are Energy and Shock that feed off each other.
To clarify, using skills and energy skills will consume Energy and will fill up Shock (vice versa). Accordingly, If you alternately used the Energy and Shock skills correctly, you will have a Lost Ark class with unlimited infinite power.
Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) PVE & PVP Gameplay:
First, to get an idea about the Infighter (Scrapper) class in Lost Ark MMORPG, watch the gameplay videos below:
The previous video shows the Infighter (Scrapper) class PVE gameplay with an item level of 1575 fighting a guardian boss in one of Lost Ark MMORPG end game Tier 3 dungeons.
Another Lost Ark PVE gameplay video for the Infighter (Scrapper) in one of the Abrelshud Raid dungeon phases (Brelshaza Raid).
The second video shows a fantastic Infighter (Scrapper) class PVP gameplay in Lost Ark Arena 3V3 Deathmatch. The Infighter (Scrapper) player and his team show absolutely amazing performance.
Best & Top Infighter (Scrapper) Engravings:
Here we share Infighter (Scrapper) class engraving builds and guides that can be used in all stages of the Lost Ark game.
To explain, the Balanced Infighter (Scrapper) Build (one for all) should be easy to get for Casual Normal F2P players and PVP players such as Shock Training Engraving DPS Build For PVP & PVE.
Besides, the Common Infighter (Scrapper) Build that fits P2W or Hardcore players with High-Level Equipment and sees Lost Ark as a second job such as Common Taijutsu Engraving DPS Build For PVE.
Moreover, check the shortlists Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) Engravings builds below:
Balanced Shock Training Engraving DPS Build For PVP & PVE:
- Shock Training: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Balanced Sonic Taijutsu Balanced Engraving Build DPS Build For PVE :
- Ultimate Taijutsu: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Balanced Taijutsu Back Attack Engraving DPS Build For PVE :
- Ultimate Taijutsu: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Common Taijutsu Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Ultimate Taijutsu: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
Notes About Infighter (Scrapper) Engravings:
Some Lost Ark engravings from previous Scrapper/Infighter Builds such as Heavy Armor, Blitz Commander, Sharp Blunt, Ultimate Taijutsu, Shock Training, Backstab Master can be swapped with each other or substituted with Grudge or Cursed Doll if you can bear their side effects.
The Scrapper/Infighter PVE DPS Common Taijutsu Engraving Build or any build that includes Grudge Engraving is only good if you are a High-Level Hardcore & P2W who has overpowered gear and P2W potions and items.
To clarify, the Scrapper or Infighter character should be much high level than the boss or dungeon’s recommended level.
Otherwise, you may face an unnecessarily hard time by using Grudge Builds with the Scrapper/Infighter or other classes in case the dungeon is the same as your character’s level.
Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) Guild War GVG/PVP Build:
These engravings can be added to any Infighter (Scrapper) build to be suitable for Lost Ark GVG or open-world PVP events.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Besides, if you followed the exact same Infighter (Scrapper) PVE/PVP DPS Shock Training Balanced All In One Engraving Build that includes Heavy Armor level 3, then it’s good enough for F2P normal or casual F2P MMORPG player.
However, you need to know that Lost Ark Guild War [GVG] type PVP is for massive P2W guilds or super hardcore PVE gamers.
Check below to know more about it:
Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) Class Engravings Details:
Below are small briefs of the Infighter (Scrapper) engravings level 3 effect, which can power up the Identity or the special abilities of this Heavy Martial Artist character in Lost Ark:
Ultimate Skill/Taijutsu: Increase the natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy by +600%. Increase the damage of Stamina skills by +60%. However, decrease the damage to Shock skills by -30%.
Shock Training: Increase Shock skill damage by +20%. Plus, recover 4% of max Shock Energy every 1 second.
For more details about the rest of the engravings that can be used for Infighter (Scrapper), check the guide below:
F2P Infighter (Scrapper) Guidance To Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
To advance faster with your Infighter (Scrapper) class as a F2P player (non-hardcore) within less time, with less repetition, and maxing the fun rather than grinding, including to know the game better, check the following:
Recommended Infighter (Scrapper) Combat Stats In Lost Ark PVE & PVP:
Here you will find the shortlist of Infighter (Scrapper) combat stats that are most likely to be used in Lost Ark PVE/PVP.
Where we added below some of the recommended stats that can be used for this Female Heavy Martial Artist class including percentages and examples:
PVE Stats 1:
75% Critical / 25% Agility:
For example: 1500 Critical / 500 Agility.
PVE Stats 1:
65 % Agility / 35% Critical:
For example: 1400 Agility / 800 Critical.
PVP Arena Stats:
80% Agility / 20% Specialty/ ~1% Critical:
For example: 1000 Agility / 249 Specialty / 1 Critical.
General PVP Arena Stats for all Lost Ark classes:
50~65% Agility / 50~40% Critical:
For example: 800 Agility / 450 Critical.
Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For PVE/PVP:
Finally, here are Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) character skill tree builds and tripods guides that can be used in PVE & PVP. Moreover, the following cover the popular and the adjusted Scrapper or Infighter skill builds:
PVP/PVE Infighter (Scrapper) All In One Skill Build:
PVE Infighter (Scrapper)Taijutsu Stamina/Energy Skill Builds:
You can apply the Infighter (Scrapper) tripod changes on stamina/energy skills from the previous 1st and 2nd in the 4th and 5th build, as the green skills were changed and added:
PVE Infighter (Scrapper) Green Shock Skill Build:
PVP Arena Shock Skill Builds:
Finally, we hope that our Lost Ark Infighter (Scrapper) class guide was simple and useful for you all. As always, we highly recommend performing changes based on your gameplay style.
As we said at the beginning, this can be taken as a starting point for new Lost Ark players or something anyone can use when creating the Infighter (Scrapper) class as an Alt character.
Furthermore, don’t forget to take advantage of our Infighter (Scrapper) guides and notes that were mentioned. Especially, if you are a new player who is looking to try out this fabulous heavy fighter character for the first time with less effort.
Furthermore, support our Infighter (Scrapper) guide by sharing it. Plus, for updates and more builds leave a comment here or on our social media pages.