Striker class PVE/PVP Guide & Builds: the male martial arts and fighter DPS class in Lost Ark that is similar to Battlemaster (Wardancer), which was added as a new class in the game as part of the gender unlock update.
In this article, we share our Lost Ark Striker class guide that includes PVP and PVE builds as well as the class gameplay, stats, and skills. Therefore, this can help new players to know this Martial Artist class better.
In short: Striker is the first male Martial Artist DPS fighter character in Lost Ark MMORPG. Besides, it’s a fast class if Ultra Speed builds are used. Moreover, most of his skills are like Battlemaster(Wardancer). However, it has its own unique moves.
Striker Class Overview:
Striker is a fighter-type and a mele-range DPS class in Lost Ark MMORPG. Besides, it’s the first male Martial Artist character that was added to the game as a new class instead of unlocking the gender for female BattleMaster/Wardancer.
Moreover, Striker uses an elemental gauntlet as a weapon that can do fast attacks and movements and perform spectacular aerial combos. Plus, it uses powerful elemental skills that absolutely will change everything on the battlefield.
Same as any other class, Striker looks so cool to play in the Lost Ark. Whereas, many players will note that it does have 90% of BattleMaster/Wardancer skills. Further, you can check out the guide below to know the similarity:
Despite the great similarity between those two classes in Lost Ark. However, Striker does have special abilities and some of his major skills including awakenings are different.
Striker Identity or its special ability is all about storing up elemental energy or chakra to unleash overwhelming attacks. To clarify, this fighter class can store up to 3 elemental orbs or 4 depending on the class engraving.
Moreover, these orbs can be filled with elemental energy or chakra by attacking enemies, which in turn can be consumed to use some powerful skills.
Best & Top Striker Engravings:
Here we share the Striker class engraving guide and builds that can be used in the Lost Ark game based on the gameplay type you choose.
To illustrate, the Balanced Striker Build (one for all) should be low-cost as possible, effective, and easy to get for Casual Normal F2P and PVP players that work in PVP & PVE content, such as the Balanced Ultra Speed Engraving DPS Build.
Further, the Common Striker Build is for P2W or Hardcore players with High-Level Equipment who don’t care about wasting gold and losing builds as well see Lost Ark as a second job, such as Common Ultra Speed Engraving DPS Build that works PVE content only.
Furthermore, the shortlists below are what we recommend for this melee fighter class:
Balanced Ultra Speed Engraving DPS Build For PVP & PVE:
- Special Strike: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt or Backstab Master: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: Stricker can reach the maximum movement speed allowed in Lost Ark of 140% using Spirit Absorption, Runes, Cards … etc. As result, this male Martial Artist character can deal a maximum of 18% more damage by using Blitz Commander engraving.
Heavy Armor engravings can be replaced with Grudge or Cursed Doll if you can bear their side effects, which are the worst side effect in the game that may reduce your overall DPS instead of rising it. Plus, some may think about using Super Charge engravings to power up only charge skills, but it’s not worth it.
Common Ultra Speed Engraving DPS Build For PVE
- Special Strike: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
Note: this Build is only good if you have overpowered gear and P2W potions and items. To illustrate, the Striker character should be way higher than the dungeon’s recommended level. Otherwise, the Striker class will be squishy and will die fast if the dungeon is the same as your level.
Lost Ark Striker Guild War GVG/PVP Build:
These can be added to any Striker build to be suitable for GVG or the open-world PVP events.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Besides, if you followed the exact same ultra-speed build that includes Heavy Armor level 3, that’s good enough.
However, you need to know that Lost Ark Guild War [GVG] type PVP is for massive P2W guilds or super hardcore gamers.
Check below to know more about it:
Furthermore, using fewer builds for your Martial Art Fighter class will save a lot of effort.
Especially, if you focus on just one Striker build such as an ultra-speed build for all game phases. Also because the Lost Ark game makes all your progress wasted in a short time.
Check the gear upgrade guide below to know more about it:
Lost Ark Striker Class Engravings Details:
Below are small briefs of the Striker engravings level 3 effect, which can power up the Identity or the special abilities of this Martial Artist class:
Special Strike: Elemental skills consume all chakra or energy and the damage of elemental skills increased by 35% for each stored orb, which has become 4 instead of 3.
Elements Balance: Using elemental skills consume only one chakra or energy orb.
For more details about the rest of the engravings that can be used for Striker and other classes, check the guide below:
Recommended Striker Combat Stats In Lost Ark PVE & PVP:
Here is the shortlist of Striker class combat stats that are likely to be used:
PVE Stats:70% Specialty / 30% Critical:
For example: 1300 Specialty / 700 Critical.
PVP Arena Stats 1: 80% Agility / 20% Specialty / ~1% Critical:
For example: 1000 Agility / 249 Specialty / 1 Critical.
PVP Arena Stats 2: 80% Agility / 20% Subdue / ~1% Critical:
For example: 1000 Agility / 249 Subdue / 1 Critical.
General PVP Arena Stats: 50~65% Agility / 50~40% Critical:
For example: 800 Agility / 450 Critical.
Note: Can be used by Striker and other Lost Ark classes.
Lost Ark Striker Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For PVE/PVP:
Ultimately, here are Lost Ark Striker class skill tree builds and tripods guides that are used in PVE & PVP. Where below we include popular skill builds for this male Martial Artist DPS fighter character as well as the ones we modified:
PVE DPS Ultra Speed Skill Build:
PVP Arena Skill Build:
Finally, this was a short and easy Lost ark striker class guide including PVE and PVP builds.
In addition, everything in this article is based on research about this new male fighter character as well as the long-term gaming experience in Lost Ark.
Therefore, I would highly advise anyone that is looking for trying this striker class to make modifications to any builds based on your playstyle.
Moreover, additional information and more builds will be added, If this post got enough support (such as share, views, and comments).
Why Heavy Armor 3 ??? for PvE Build ?
Sorry for the confusion, the article has been updated and we will add more skill builds soon.
Heavy Armor engraving is very useful in all Lost Ark PVE and PVP content. Plus, it makes players use more skills resulting in more overall DPS in fast gameplay.
Especially if Grudge and Cursed Dolls engravings weren’t in use, which in our opinion is not good engravings for non-P2W players that can put them under great stress.
Not to waste gold is one of the priorities of Casual Normal F2P players who don’t want to waste time on worthless gear levels or cannot play much.
That leads them to search for 1 build for all PVE and PVP content, which makes Heavy Armor an ideal engraving for that purpose.