Warlord (Gunlancer) the tankiest (also can be built as a DPS) male warrior class in the Lost Ark world that has various defense techniques. He is a powerful and tough warrior to go against and sometimes it’s near impossible to defeat in PVP and PVE.
In this article, we share our Lost Ark Warlord (Gunlancer) F2P Character Guide and Builds for PVP and PVE including engravings, gameplay, stats, and skills. Thus, you’ll have a good idea of this male SUP/TANK/DPS warrior profession.
In short: Warlord (Gunlancer) is the 3rd warrior class that has the highest defense abilities in Lost Ark MMORPG. Although it’s a very incredible class in PVP & PVE and very suitable for Tank DPS playing style. However, there is a big problem that prevents many players from playing with it as a main or even as an Alt. On another side, you can build your Warlord (Gunlancer) class skills, stats, and engraving as DPS or in any way you want likewise other classes in this game.
Warlord (Gunlancer) Class Overview:
Gunlancer or Warlord is a warrior-type and a melee class in Lost Ark MMORPG. Besides, it’s the 3rd warrior profession that uses a huge shield and a gun lance as a formidable weapon.
Plus, this class considers the most survivability and the most tank class that is always chosen to be on the front lines in PVP and PVE battles.
Warlord (Gunlancer) can be chosen at a character level of 10 from a warrior professions group selection that also includes Berserker, Destroyer, and Holy Knight (Paladin) classes.
Additionally, you can check out below the other warrior professions that are related to the Warlord (Gunlancer) class, including their Lost Ark class guide and builds:
Furthermore, the Warlord profession can command and protects allies at the vanguard of the battlefield. As its true value comes from its ability to protect allies, especially team members, and can absorb damage using various defense techniques.
Warlord (Gunlancer) is not only a tank class and strong supporter but also a high DPS class that can be built to do so much high damage, which makes it an unbelievable leader in PVE battles.
In addition, it has the skills to taunt that can attract the attention of enemies as will interrupt the bosses from doing their skills and make battles against the bosses so easy.
Warlord (Gunlancer) Identity:
Warlord (Gunlancer) class Identity or special ability in The Lost Ark is about the ability using the high defense abilities which are Defensive Stance and the Battle Shield.
Moreover, Warlords can either be in a defensive stance or use the Battlefield Shield skill.
Defensive Stance is a technique that protects the body using a huge shield, which slows down movement speed but can bear and block powerful attacks from enemies without taking damage.
The Battle Shield skill is a fundamental skill that can in certain cases keep party members safe when they are in danger by creating a big shield that can take damage instead.
The Problem With Warlord (Gunlancer) In Lost Ark (Personal Opinion):
Although the defensive-type classes are our favorite, it has a big problem. However, It might not apply to everyone, or they may not see it as a problem at all.
Therefore, Warlord (Gunlancer) problem is all about the unique type of dash, evasion, or dodge skill.
To clarify, It does not dash forward at all, but rather dash backward. Where to make Warlord (Gunlancer) dash forward, it needs a technique, which by make this class face the opposite direction and then use the dash to make this class do it forward like the other classes in Lost Ark.
Some may still say what is the problem? The problem is when the player gets used to this technique.
To explain, since Lost Ark deepened so much on Alts, the problem truly begins when switching to other classes.
Therefore, you will automatically find yourself using the movement technique with other classes. Where you will understand more through the story of one of the admins below:
My Funny Situation In Lost Ark With Warlord (Gunlancer):
The thing is, this problem happened to me many times and I laughed a lot at this because it was a very funny situation. Where once I was switching the class in Lost Ark from Gunlancer or Warlord to Summoner to do a solo Cube Dungeon.
Where in the beginning I made a mistake and used the Gunlancer technique unconsciously, which made my Summoner dash in the opposite direction to find myself in the middle of monsters instead of dash away from them, and of course, the Cube Dungeon run failed.
PVE & PVP Gameplay For Warlord (Gunlancer) In Lost Ark:
To get the idea about the Warlord (Gunlancer) class, watch the Lost Ark gameplay videos below:
The previous video shows a Warlord (Gunlancer) 3V3 Deathmatch gameplay, which is a Lost Ark Arena PVP.
Where it was one of the first times we played PVP using this class. In addition, Warlord (Gunlancer) was fun despite the problem of the backward dash that we could not bear.
Another video shows the PVE gameplay of the Warlord (Gunlancer) advanced class using a Light Shield (Combat Readiness) build and facing one of the raid leaders in Lost Ark MMO, who is called Baltan.
As you can see the player was able to solo the dungeon using the Warlord (Gunlancer) profession to take a share of the gold from his comrades who just watch without doing anything.
This video is also about the PVE gameplay of the Warlord (Gunlancer) inside the last level of the Abrelshud Raid Lost Ark dungeon. However, this one is using one of the Lonely Knight (Solo Knight) builds.
Note: The damage difference between the Warlord (Gunlancer) builds in the videos is due to the item level. In other words, this means that any class or build can do more damage with a higher gear level.
Best & Top Engravings For Warlord (Gunlancer) In Lost Ark:
Here we present three ways to build the Warlord (Gunlancer) class Engravings for Lost Ark, which are Lower-Cost, Balanced, and Common. Besides, choose your DPS Tank Warrior Build based on the gameplay type you choose to play.
Therefore, check the Lost Ark Warlord (Gunlancer) Engravings builds below:
Lower-Cost F2P Warlord (Gunlancer) Balanced Engravings Build:
- Lonely knight or Light Shield/Combat Readiness: Level 1 or 3.
- Steady State or Any DPS Engraving: Level 3. (Don’t use Grudge Engraving)
- Heavy Armor: Level 1 or 3.
Note: this is for F2P Players who don’t like grinding. Plus, Heavy Armor Level 3 is needed for PVP. Moreover, Specialty/Critical stats for Light Shield/Combat Readiness and Critical/Agility stats for Lonely Knight.
1st Balanced Lonely knight Engravings Build For PVP & PVE:
- Lonely Knight: Level 3.
- Super Charge: Level 3.
- Guillotine (Master Brawler): Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: this is for Casual Normal F2P and PVP players (One For All build). Moreover, you might want to switch Cursed Doll to save gold or because of the side effect. Plus, this preferred to be used with Critical/Agility stats.
2nd Balanced Combat Readiness Engravings Build For PVP & PVE:
- Light Shield/Combat Readiness: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Stable state: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: same as the 1st Balanced Lonely knight Build, but this build is preferred to be used with Specialty/Critical stats.
1st Common Combat Readiness Engravings Build For PVE:
- Light Shield/Combat Readiness: Level 1.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Steady State: Level 3.
Note: this is for P2W/Hardcore players (Too Costly and lost every update). Plus, this is preferred to be used with Specialty/Critical stats.
2nd Common Build: Hybrid Engravings Build:
- Lonely Knight: Level 3.
- Light Shield/Combat Readiness: Level 1.
- Super Charge: Level 3.
- Guillotine: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
Note: same as the 1st Common Combat Readiness Build, but this build is preferred to be used with Critical/Agility stats.
Guild War PVP (GVG) Warlord (Gunlancer) Engravings For Lost Ark:
These can be added to any Warlord (Gunlancer) build to be suitable for Lost Ark GVG or open-world PVP events. Besides, any build can be used for guild wars if it includes Heavy Armor at level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Since Warlord (Gunlancer) has so high defense, it will be a nightmare for enemies who looking to defeat this class in GVG if it has high-level gears of course.
Moreover, any Balanced engraving build and guide for Warlord (Gunlancer) such as Balanced Lonely knight or Combat Readiness Builds is good enough for Lost Ark GVG or PVP island.
However, the PVP type in the Lost Ark Guild War is P2W is not fair for non-hardcore F2P and PVP players. Therefore, even if this class has so high defense it will get one shot anyway if there are a few or high gaps in the enhancement item levels.
Therefore, to understand more about it, check below:
Lost Ark Warlord (Gunlancer) Class Engravings Details:
Below is a small brief of level 3 effects of Warlord (Gunlancer) class engraving, which can power up the Identity or the special abilities of the advanced and the tankiest warrior character in Lost Ark:
Lonely knight (Solo knight): increase Rift/Red skills crit chance by 15% and crit damage by 50%, but “X” Ability locked and “Z” consumption is double (100%).
Light Shield (Combat Readiness): normal skills damage increased by 20%, energy strength by 50%, and when getting damage under “Z” shields, attacks will increase by 4% that can stack 3 times.
For more details about all Lost Ark engravings that can be used for the Warlord (Gunlancer) class or if you wish to replace the above-mentioned, check the guide below:
Note: Using Heavy Armor for Warlord (Gunlancer) class will make it like a boss. As always, we recommend using Heavy Armor Engraving for all classes because it makes gameplay in Lost Ark so much fun.
F2P Warlord (Gunlancer) Guide For Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
To advance faster with your Warlord (Gunlancer) class as a F2P player with less time, repetition and to maximize the fun instead of grinding including knowing the game better, check the following:
Recommended Warlord (Gunlancer) Combat Stats For PVE & PVP:
Below is the shortlist of the combat stats that are likely to be used for the Gunlancer/Warlord class:
PVE/DPS Stats 1: Used for Lonely knight Engravings Build 1 and 3.
70% Critical / 30% Agility:
For example: 1500 Critical / 500 Agility.
PVE/DPS Stats 2: Used for Light Shield Engravings Build 2 and Lonely knight Build 3.
60% Specialty/ 30% Critical:
For example: 1300 Specialty / 700 Critical.
PVP Arena Stats 1: This is a general PVP stats used by 90% of lost Ark classes.
50~65% Agility / 50~40% Critical:
For example: 800 Agility / 450 Critical.
PVP Arena Stats 2: Used for Normal skills Build.
80% Specialty / 20% Agility:
For example: 950 Specialty / 300 Agility.
Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For Warlord (Gunlancer) In Lost Ark:
Lastly, here is the Warlord (Gunlancer) guide for skill tree and tripods builds that can be used for PVE & PVP in the Lost Ark. Where below we include popular skill build for this defensive class including our modified builds:
Lonely knight PVE 328/384 Skill Points Builds:
Light Shield PVE 328/384 Skill Points Builds:
Hybrid Lonely knight/Light Shield PVE 384 Points PVE Builds:
Arena PVP 340 Skill Point Builds:
Finally, We hope that our Warlord (Gunlancer) class guide is simple and useful for everyone. As always, we highly recommend performing modifications to any build you find for this worrier profession based on your gaming playstyle.
Furthermore, if you are a non-hardcore F2P player who wants to enjoy playing with the Warlord (Gunlancer) class in Lost Ark. Then try not to skip our notes and tips that can advance on how you can progress faster.
Especially, if you are a new Lost Ark player who wants to try out this unbelievable male tanky worrier character for the first time with less effort and time-consuming in this MMORPG.
Furthermore, support our Lost Ark Warlord (Gunlancer) guide by sharing it. Plus, for updates and more builds leave a comment here or on our social media pages. Plus, you can share your Warlord (Gunlancer) build with us here.