Arcana (Arcanist) Class PVP/PVE Guide & Builds: the dynamic female mage DPS class in the Lost Ark MMORPG world (also known as Arcanologist), which uses unique magical cards to fight her opponents in PVE and PVE battles.
In this article, we share our Lost Ark Arcana (Arcanist) class PVP/PVE guide with DPS builds that include engravings (Empress’s Grace or Emperor’s Decree), gameplay, stats, and skills. Thus, you’ll have a good idea of what this exciting magical card profession entails.
In short: Arcana (Arcanist) is the 3rd female mage profession that fights using magical cards in the Lost Ark MMORPG World. Moreover, it’s an advanced and fast-mage character in Lost Ark, which is harder than many classes. However, you can build your Arcana (Arcanist) class skills, stats, and engraving in any way you want likewise other classes in this game.
Arcana (Arcanist) Class Overview:
Arcana (Arcanist) is a mage-type character, a medium-range, and a fast DPS class that can be played in the Lost Ark MMORPG world.
In addition, It’s the third female mage character that wields a magical card deck in her hand as the main weapon, which can damage enemies sharply and explosively in battles.
Arcana (Arcanist) is also known as Arcanologist or Arcanist profession in the Lost Ark game. Plus, it can be chosen at a character level of 10 from a mage professions group selection that also includes Summoner, Bard, and Sorceress classes.
Additionally, you can check out below the associated professions to the Arcana (Arcanist) class, including their Lost Ark class guide and builds:
Besides, Arcana (Arcanist) is a hybrid class that combines both agility and magical abilities that players can build and play in many ways.
Even though her weak stamina and defenses can expose her easily to danger. However, this dynamic female card magician isn’t like other mage classes in the Lost Ak game.
The Arcana (Arcanist) profession can quickly move across the battlefield with flashy acrobat movements and can crush opponents with dynamic battles.
Arcana (Arcanist) Identity:
Arcana (Arcanist) class Identity or special ability in the Lost Ark MMORPG world is about the ability to activate special cards by drawing one card from the card deck when the card gauge is full.
Each card can grant character-specific enhancements and various effects.
However, since the card is random, no one knows what cards will come out, so depending on what cards are drawn, the fate of the battlefield can change drastically.
Moreover, take a quick look at the cards in the following image:

Is Arcana (Arcanist) A Difficult Class In Lost Ark?
Arcana (Arcanist) profession is considered a hard class to master like some other professions in the Lost Ark game.
Moreover, Arcana (Arcanist) is not a powerful single-shot class and will not satisfy gamers who like to see big DPS numbers. Therefore, some players may misunderstand and think that Arcana (Arcanist) is a bad or weak class, which is not.
In addition, the card ability that appears randomly may be an annoying problem for some players. However, professional gamers will have so much fun playing with the Arcana (Arcanist) character in the Lost Ark world.
Those pro gamers can see Arcana (Arcanist) as an advanced powerful class that could give them a real challenge due to her random card ability that offers many unique ways to play.
For example, it can inflict amplified damage to the enemy by stacking including many magical combos. Plus, the stack effect contains magical skills that can be also used to explore the stack effect.
PVE & PVP Gameplay for Arcana (Arcanist) Class In Lost Ark:
First of all, to get an idea about the Arcana (Arcanist) class in Lost Ark, watch the gameplay videos below:
The previous video shows mostly a solo Arcana (Arcanist) class PVE gameplay inside a level as well as one of the rooms in Abrelschud Commander Legion or Leader bosses in Lost Ark MMORPG world.
Where the main boss eliminated all the group members in the other room and the Arcana (Arcanist) player completed the dungeon alone when he returned to back to the main boss room.
The second video shows a fun Arena PVP gameplay with the Arcana class in Lost Ark, which is a 3V3 Deathmatch.
Best & Top Arcana (Arcanist) Engravings:
Here we give two ways to build the Arcana (Arcanist) profession engravings based on the gameplay type you decided to play with this advanced mage card character in the Lost Ark MMORPG world.
To explain, the Balanced Arcana (Arcanist) Build (one for all) should be low-cost, effective as possible, and easy to get for Casual Normal F2P and PVP players, such as the Balanced Empress’s Grace Engravings DPS Build.
Further, the Common Arcana (Arcanist) Build is for P2W or Hardcore players with High-Level Equipment who carelessly waste gold and see Lost Ark as a second job, such as the Common Empress’s Grace Engravings DPS Build.
Furthermore, check the Lost Ark Arcana (Arcanist) Engravings builds below:
Low-Cost Arcana (Arcanist) Engravings Build:
- Empress’s Grace or Emperor’s Decree: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain): Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 1-3.
Note: this build is preferred to be used with Agility/Critical stats. Plus, this Arcana (Arcanist) Engravings build suits F2P players with LOW Gold in Lost Ark who can’t stand the forced boring repeat loop and the accessories loss/RNG. If you want to do PVP content just get Heavy Armor to level 3.
Balanced Empress’s Grace Engravings DPS Build For PVP & PVE:
- Empress’s Grace: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain): Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3
- Steady State: Level 3.
Note: you can swap Steady State with Cursed Doll if you can waste more gold. Plus, the Balanced Empress’s Grace Engravings build is preferred to be used with Agility/Critical stats.
Note: you can try to use both class engraving such as Empress’s Grace with Emperor’s Decree in the same build or switch between them.
1st Common Empress’s Grace Engravings DPS Build For PVE:
- Empress’s Grace: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
Note: this build is preferred to be used with Agility/Specialty stats.
Note: for Critical/Specialty stats, you can swap Barricade with Sharp Blunt including maintaining good Critical Chance stats.
2nd Common Empress’s Grace Engravings DPS Build For PVE:
- Empress’s Grace: Level 1.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Master of Strike: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
Note: this is an end-game P2W engraving build with a high item level.
3rd Common Grace & Decree Engravings DPS Build For PVE:
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Master of Strike: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Emperor’s Decree: Level 2.
- Empress’s Grace: Level 1.
Note: same as other Common builds it’s an end-game P2W engraving build that needs a high item level. Plus, this can be used with Critical/Specialty stats.
Guild War GVG & PVP Arcana (Arcanist) Engravings Build/Guide:
You may consider using the following engravings in your Arcana (Arcanist) class build to fight effectively in the Lost Ark Guild Wars (GVG) or open-world island PVP events:
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Furthermore, the balanced Arcana (Arcanist) engraving guide such as the first Empress’s Grace Engravings should be good enough for GVG.
Nonetheless, the Guild War PVP in Lost Ark is a P2W contest that is not fair for non-hardcore F2P players. Thus, take a look at the following short article to learn more:
Class Engravings Details For Arcana (Arcanist) In Lost Ark:
The following is the short overview of the class engravings effects for the Arcana (Arcanist) profession in the latest levels, which is Lvl 3:
Empress’s Grace Lv.3: Increases 4 stacks of Ruin damage by+30% and recover 30% of mana consumed when using Ruin skills.
Emperor’s Decree Lv.3: Increases deck gauge acquisition by +50% and damage by +30% for normal skills, and the Emperor card is added to the card deck. The Emperor card inflicts great damage on the surrounding area. when used.
In addition, check out the following guide for further information on the remaining general engravings:
F2P Arcana (Arcanist) Guide For Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
Check out the following that can help you as a F2P player in Lost Ark progression with the Arcana (Arcanist) class faster with less effort and more fun instead of grinding dungeons and repeating them over and over:
Recommended Combat Stats For Arcana (Arcanist) In Lost Ark :
The shortlist guide below presents the Arcana (Arcanist) recommended combat stats builds that can be used in Lost Ark PVE and PVP:
Note: Specialty = Specialization / Agility = Swiftness.
PVE Combat Stats:
PVE Stats 1: ~30% Critical & ~70% Agility.
For example ~600 Critical & ~1700 Agility.
Note: the first PVE Stats for the Arcana (Arcanist) class need Critical Chance effects (Gear Set/Engravings). Otherwise, add more Critical stats similar to the second PVE Stats build.
PVE Stats 2: ~40% Critical & ~60% Agility.
For example ~1000 Critical & ~1300 Agility.
PVE Stats 3: ~30% Agility & ~70% Specialty.
For example ~600 Agility & ~1700 Specialty.
PVE Stats 4: ~30% Critical & ~70% Specialty.
For example ~600 Critical & ~1700 Specialty.
Note: the fourth PVE Stats for the Arcana (Arcanist) class need Critical Chance effects (Gear Set/Engravings). Otherwise, add more Critical stats similar to the fifth PVE Stats build.
PVE Stats 5: ~40% Critical & ~60% Specialty.
For example ~1000 Critical & ~1300 Specialty.
Arena PVP Combat Stats:
PVP Stats 1: ~80% Agility & ~20% Specialty & ~1% Critical.
For example ~1000 Agility & ~249 Specialty & ~1 Critical.
Note: many classes use the first PVP stats. Plus, Specialty can be replaced with Subdue.
PVP Stats 2: ~60% Agility & ~40% Critical.
For example ~800 Agility & ~450 Critical.
Note: all classes can use the second PVP Stats.
Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For Arcana (Arcanist) Class In Lost Ark:
Last, here is Arcana (Arcanist) class skill tree builds and tripod guides for Lost Ark. In addition, you can modify these mage card profession skill builds as you like to suit your gameplay:
Note: Don’t forget to change any Arcana (Arcanist) skill build and tripods you find based on your current Lost Ark patch (region), item level, and most importantly based on your gameplay style. So don’t just copy, but make changes to Arcana (Arcanist) class builds and be different in Lost Ark MMO to be the best.
PVE Skill Builds:
Arena PVP Skill Builds:
Finally, we hope this Arcana (Arcanist) class guide is simple and useful for everyone. As always and again, we highly encourage customizing any build you find for this mage card profession to your way of gaming preferences.
Furthermore, if you’re a non-hardcore F2P player who wants to play with the Arcana (Arcanist) class in Lost Ark. Then Don’t skip out on our guides and recommendation on how you can progress faster.
Especially, if you’re a new Lost Ark player who also wants to have fun with this amazing female mage card character in this MMORPG game with the least amount of effort and time.
Furthermore, support our Lost Ark Arcana (Arcanist) guide by sharing it. Plus, for updates and more builds leave a comment here or on our social media pages. Also, you can share your Lost Ark Lance Master Arcana (Arcanist) Builds, Engravings (Empress’s Grace or Emperor’s Decree), Stats, and Skills with us here.