Scouter (Machinist) the highly technical DPS and easiest PVP/PVE-playable gunner class in the world of Lost Ark MMORPG. Not only, but also this profession looks extremely similar to the Iron Man character from Marvel Superhero Series.
In this article, we share our Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) class F2P guide for PVP/PVE with DPS builds that include engravings (Legacy of Evolution or Ardetain’s Technology), gameplay, stats, and skills. Therefore, you will get a quick idea about this advanced gunner profession.
In short: Scouter (Machinist) is the 4th male gunner profession that fights using Artetain’s advanced technology in the Lost Ark MMORPG World. This class gameplay is so cool, calm in general, and highly technical. Moreover, Scouter (Machinist) is an easy friendly F2P class in Lost Ark, in which you can build your Scouter (Machinist) skills, stats, and engraving in any way you want with less cost in gold.
Scouter (Machinist) Class Overview:
Scouter (Machinist) is a gunner-type character and a long-range DPS class that uses advanced technology in battles and is one of the playable professions in the Lost Ark MMORPG world.
In addition, It’s the fourth male gunner character that wields a submachine gun as the main weapon. Not only, but the submachine gun is a part of Artetain’s advanced technology including the drone that can use as a battlesuit.
Scouter (Machinist) can be chosen at a character level of 10 from a professions group selection that also includes the Devil Hunter (Deadeye), Blaster (Artillerist), and Hawkeye (SharpShooter) classes.
Besides, the female Gunslinger class can also be taken into account since she is also a gunner character. However, she can be only chosen from the female professions.
Further, check out below these related professions to Scouter (Machinist), including their Lost Ark class guide and builds:
Besides, Scouter (Machinist) is cool, calm, highly technical, and has a lot of mobility. As it’s armed with Artdetain’s advanced technology by using drones and batteries to conduct battles from long distances.
Drones drain their batteries instead of mana, enabling explosive combat and tactics. Drones attacks can reach into blind spots with sophisticated control, which will annihilate the enemy in an instant.
In particular, the attack using the drone is so accurate that it does not allow even an inch of error in analyzing and destroying the enemy.
Furthermore, Scouter (Machinist) class is one of the easiest professions to play in the Lost Ark game including its easy-friendly builds that are not too expensive to obtain.
Scouter (Machinist) Class Identity:
Scouter (Machinist) class Identity or special ability in the Lost Ark MMORPG world is about the ability to transform into something powerful and unbelievable using Artetain’s technology, which is similar to the Iron Man character that appears in the Marvel Superhero Series.
To clarify, skills using drones including their combinations skills can recharge the Hyper Sync Core energy. When it became full, the Scout can enter the hyper-sync state by transforming his Drone into a Battle Suit and equipping it.
When Scouter (Machinist) enters the hyper-sync mode, the mobility dramatically increases and firepower, enabling this highly technical gunner profession to annihilate multiple enemies in an instant with lasers and beams.
PVE & PVP Gameplay For Scouter (Machinist) Class In Lost Ark:
First of all, to get an idea about the Scouter (Machinist) class in Lost Ark, watch the gameplay videos below:
The previous video shows solo PVE gameplay using the Scouter (Machinist) class inside one of the Tier 2 Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark MMORPG.
You can notice that it is one of the easy types of dungeons that does not require any kind of build or any effort.
The second video shows one of our Scouter (Machinist) class PVP gameplay in Lost Ark Arena 3V3 Deathmatch. Back then, we just used a Random Build and because it was an enjoyable PVP game, we kept the video.
The third video shows a Scouter (Machinist) class PVE gameplay without transformation while fighting a guardian boss in one of Lost Ark MMORPG Tier 3 dungeons.
Best & Top Scouter (Machinist) Engravings Builds In Lost Ark:
Here we present three ways to build the Scouter (Machinist) Engravings for Lost Ark, which are Lower-Cost, Balanced, and Common. Besides, choose your High-Tech Gunner Character Build based on the gameplay type you decide to play.
Therefore, check the Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) Engravings builds below:
Low-Cost Scouter (Machinist) Engravings Build:
- Legacy of Evolution: Level 3.
- Barricade or Steady State (Stabilized Status): Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 1-3.
Note: this is ideal for F2P players with LOW Gold who don’t like boring grinding, repeat loop, and accessory loss/RNG. Additionally, Heavy Armor Level 3 is needed for PVP (extra fun in PVE) and the Critical/Specialty stats are preferred with this build.
Balanced Hyper Sync Evolution Engraving DPS Build For PVP & PVE:
- Legacy of Evolution: Level 3.
- Steady State (Stabilized Status): Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: this is for Casual Normal F2P and PVP players (One For All build). Moreover, you can swap Steady State or Blitz Commander with Cursed Doll. Besides, this build needs Critical/Specialty stats. Also, you can use Sharp Blunt, but you need enough Critical stats.
Note: you can try to use both class engraving such as Ardetain’s Technology with Legacy of Evolution in the same build if you want to combine both gameplay types.
1st Common Hyper Sync Evolution Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Legacy of Evolution: Level 3.
- Steady State (Stabilized Status): Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
Note: this is for P2W/Hardcore players (Too Costly and no-life build that lost every update). Moreover, you can switch Steady State with Cursed Doll and also this build needs Critical/Specialty stats.
Note: to be more effective with Sharp Blunt, you need to use it with a Critical Chance Gear Set and Adrenaline Engraving.
2nd Common Hyper Sync Evolution Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Legacy of Evolution: Level 1.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Barricade: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
Note: it’s for P2W/Hardcore same as the 1st Common Hyper Sync Evolution Engraving Build. However, this is an end-game massive P2W engraving build for +1500 item level.
3rd Common Submachine Technology Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Ardetain’s Technology: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
Note: it’s for P2W/Hardcore same as the 1st & 2nd Common Hyper Sync Engraving Builds. However, this build needs Critical/Agility stats. Besides, you can switch any from the above engraving with Awakening.
Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) Guild War GVG & PVP Engravings Build/Guide:
To be able to engage effectively in the Lost Ark GVG Wars or open-world island PVP events, you can use the following engravings in your Scouter (Machinist) class build:
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Furthermore, the balanced Scouter (Machinist) engraving guide such as the Hyper Sync Evolution Engraving build should be good enough for GVG.
Nonetheless, the Guild War PVP in Lost Ark is a P2W competition that is not suitable for non-hardcore F2P gamers. Therefore, take a look at the following to learn more:
Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) Class Engravings Details:
The following is a summary of the Scouter (Machinist) profession’s class engravings effects in the final level, which is Lvl 3:
Legacy of Evolution: When a sync skill hits the enemies in the Hyper Sync mode, the damage increases by +6% (stacks up to 3), and the cooldown of other sync skills decreases by -0.5 seconds.
Not only, but also when canceling the Hyper Sync Mode it returns +40% of the consumed core energy.
Note: this means that you only need to get 60% core energy to enter the Hyper Sync mode again, which can be accomplished by using 1 or 2 drone skills.
Ardetain’s Technology: Increases the damage of drones and the combinations skills by +25% and increases the maximum battery capacity by +20%. Plus increases the movement speed by +10% when drones are attached to scouts.
Check out the following guide for additional information on the remaining general engravings:
F2P Scouter (Machinist) Guide For Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
Check out the following to progress faster with your Scouter (Machinist) class as a F2P player with less effort and more fun instead of grinding dungeons and repeating them all the time:
Recommended Combat Stats For Scouter (Machinist) In Lost Ark PVE & PVP:
The shortlist guide below presents the Scouter (Machinist) combat stats builds that can be used in Lost Ark PVE and PVP: Note: Specialty = Specialization / Agility = Swiftness.
PVE Combat Stats:
PVE Stats 1: ~30% Critical & ~70% Specialty.
For example ~600 Critical & ~1700 Specialty.
Note: the first PVE Stats needs a gear set that increases the critical chance for your Scouter (Machinist) class. Plus, it needs Adrenaline engraving which also increases the critical chance.
Otherwise, use the second PVE Stats build and you can modify it as you like.
PVE Stats 2: ~40% Critical & ~60% Specialty.
For example ~1000 Critical & ~1300 Specialty.
PVE Stats 3: ~30% Agility & ~70% Critical.
For example ~600 Agility & ~1700 Critical.
Arena PVP Combat Stats:
PVP Stats 1: ~80% Specialty & ~20% Critical.
For example ~1000 Specialty & ~250 Critical.
PVP Stats 2: ~80% Agility & ~20% Specialty & ~1% Critical.
For example ~1000 Agility & ~249 Specialty & ~1 Critical.
Note: many classes use the second PVP stats. Plus, Specialty can be replaced with Subdue.
PVP Stats 3: ~60% Agility & ~40% Critical.
For example ~800 Agility & ~450 Critical.
Note: all classes can use the third PVP Stats.
Skills Tree & Tripods Builds For Scouter (Machinist) In Lost Ark PVE/PVP:
Last, here is Scouter (Machinist) class skills tree builds and tripod guides that you can use and modify however you see suitable:
Hyper Sync Evolution PVE Skill Build:
Submachine Technology PVE Skill Build (No Transformation):
Scouter (Machinist) Arena PVP Skill Builds:
Finally, we hope this Scouter (Machinist) class guide is simple and useful for everyone. As always, don’t just copy, but make changes to any Scouter (Machinist) class builds and be different in Lost Ark MMO to be the best.
Furthermore, if you’re a non-hardcore F2P player, don’t miss out on our tips and advice on how to progress your Scouter (Machinist) class in Lost Ark faster.
Especially, if you’re a new Lost Ark player who wants to check out this male technical gunner character for the first time in this MMORPG game with the least effort and time.
Furthermore, support our Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) guide by sharing it. Plus, for updates and more builds leave a comment on our social media pages. Also, you can share your Lost Ark Scouter (Machinist) builds, Engravings (Legacy of Evolution or Ardetain’s Technology), Stats, and Skills with us here if you like.
This may be a little late but I was wondering how much specialization do you need with scouter and how do the various amounts of specialization translate into a faster transformation? A friend of mine was asking how much specialization does he need with scouter to transform with just 2 abilities (considering he already has the wealth runes). How much specialization would you need to transform with 3 abilities? If you cannot transform with just 2 or 3 abilities, how many would you need? Thank You!
Don’t overthink, just get only the amount you can get (considering the needed amount of critical chance).
Also, it all depends on the gameplay, equipment, and chosen build.
The only one that can tell the right amount is the player himself because each one will see the right amount differently.
Overall, most Lost Ark classes benefit from specialization ascendingly, their skills get more power up. So, sometimes the right amount is as much as possible.
So hover the mouse over the specialization and check if it’s worth more amount or not.
Ah, thank you so much for the details explanation, um…. so if only for a farming, non-serious boss fight then I guess Adrenaina is a good choice when not reaching 1000 crits, I also see people using Adrenaina with Ambush Master for the paladin, not sure if because cheaper or because after the patch holy knight those skill change to back attack XD
It depends on the player’s gameplay and what class and gear effect he/she chooses. Some may like the attack stack percentage or some classes such as the Blade class engraving that have stacks can stack all effects together including the stack gear effect.
For me, I like keeping peace of mind and getting to the fun part fast by using the All Of One Build (no meta) which is an easy build (no annoying stack or side effect), lowers in cost, is fast to master, is easy to get MVP, and can be used for PVP.
Some P2W whales use something like 3 or 4 engraving meta build sets in only one class for every content or maybe for every boss, which is ridiculously costly not to mention every “Alts” and game update that wipes progression too quickly.
Very nice guide again, I’m thinking to make 1 alt for easy farming, just one question about Sharp blunt and Adrenaline, you said ” if enough crit ” so how many crits is enough to be effective to use sharp blunt, and Adrenaline? can’t get my head around these two choices lol
Thank you
Enough Crit differs from class to class and depends on the type of build you choose, as some classes and builds whose skills depend on one big hit that needs more critical stats. Such as the Destroyer class that may use a one-hit charge skill build where it must be Crit otherwise he will lose his DPS.
While some classes such as Paladin have skills that hit 8 consecutive hits, critical hits will occur among them for sure, so Paladin may need fewer Critical stats than the Destroyer.
1000 to 1500 Crit is enough for some classes others may need more than 1500.
Using Adrenaline will reduce the required Crit stats but you must be minting the max stack by not stopping doing DPS. However, it will not be fun and sometimes be hard or annoying if the boss moves or hides a lot.