Gunslinger Class Guide & Builds: The first female DPS gunner character that resembles the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class and was introduced in Lost Ark MMORPG in 2021 as part of the gender unlocks update.
In this article, we are sharing another addition to our Lost Ark guides series, which this time is about the Gunslinger class guide that covers her PVE/PVP builds, DPS gameplay styles, stats, and skills that are preferred to use for this amazing female gunner profession.
In short: Gunslinger is the 1st female gunner advanced class in Lost Ark MMORPG that uses multi types of guns. Besides, its design and looks so much beautiful compared to some other classes. However, some may see it as a low DPS due to its difficulty or changes. Still, you can build your Gunslinger differently in Lost Ark by following a suitable guide that makes the gameplay easier, more enjoyable, and superior.
Gunslinger Class Overview:
Gunslinger is a gunner-type and a medium/long-range DPS advanced class in Lost Ark MMORPG. Plus, it’s the first female that was added to the game in 2021 as a new character instead of unlocking the gender for the male Devil Hunter (Deadeye).
Moreover, the Gunslinger uses dual handguns as the main weapon, which can transform or switch into dual shotguns, and a rifle. In turn, Gunslinger becomes poss three types of guns at the same time. As a result, it can fight the enemies with a fast combo and stylish combat.
Currently, Gunslinger is the only female gunner class that received gender unlock of Devil Hunter (Deadeye) profession in Lost Ark. So it is also the only class that can be chosen at level 10 from the female group selection.
However, you can expect in the future to see female or gender unlock for Blaster (Artillerist), Scouter, Hawkeye (SharpShooter) classes.
Furthermore, check out below the male gunner classes that are similar to the female Gunslinger in Lost Ark, including their guide and builds:
Gunslinger Identity:
Gunslinger Identity or its special ability is all about selecting the proper gun depending on the situation. Plus, each weapon or gun has its skills with a different range.
To clarify, the handgun can attack at a medium range with fast splendidly skills. The dual shotgun provides heavy damage to nearby enemies. The rifle is proper for keeping sight of enemies and finishing them from a distance.
Is Gunslinger A Difficult Class In Lost Ark?
Many may find that switching between three weapons is a difficult thing, this is normal even for pro players. Also because there are some furious bosses, which may be difficult to fight using gunslinger common or traditional builds.
Plus, the Gunslinger class same as the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) needs many skill points due to a large number of skills in her weapons, which in turn increases its difficulty as well.
However, if you like this class, you can change its gameplay and reduce its difficulty. To illustrate, there is a class engraving for the gunslinger character that can lock one of the weapons, which is the shotgun.
But since a powerful weapon was locked, the other weapons skills receive an additional critical rate. In turn, this gives a different experience and reveals more ways to build the gunslinger class in Lost Ark MMORPG.
As a result, this class gameplay becomes easier, more fun, and less likely to make mistakes. Especially when switching weapons in hard PVE dungeons or epic island battles.
Lost Ark Gunslinger PVE & PVP Gameplay:
You can get an idea about the gameplay of the Gunslinger class in the Lost Ark end-game by watching the videos we have chosen below:
The video above shows one of the Hunting Time Gunslinger PVE builds by using 2 weapons. Where the player collects gold in Lost Ark from other AFK players by soloing the legion/Leader boss dungeon.
In the second video, the same build was used without the Gunslinger shotgun stance. Where the same player is farming gold by soloing the secondary legion/Leader boss in Lost Ark MMORPG.
Furthermore, the third video above shows the Peacemaker Gunslinger PVE builds by using all 3 gun weapons. Where the player soloing one of the guardian boss dungeons in Lost Ark.
Many may find the Peacemaker build to be exciting and enjoyable. But actually, it takes a lot of time to get used to it. Also, it might be annoying sometimes when trying to get the right gun at the right moment.
Lastly, the previous video shows how amazing and satisfying the gunslinger class gameplay style can be in the Lost Ark PVP arena.
This is due to the common and super powerful skills combos that can’t be avoided. As well as its flexibility of movement and the plenty of skills that distinguishes this advanced profession from others
Best & Top Gunslinger Engravings:
You can find here some Gunslinger class engraving builds that can be used in all stages of the Lost Ark game. In addition, we provide some advice and guidance for casual or normal F2P MMORPG.
Where the balanced Gunslinger builds focus on enjoyment in the Lost Ark game. Priorities, time-efficient, low-cost, less repeating or grind, one build for all content, and suitable Gunslinger build for PVE and PVP gameplay according to our opinion.
Additionally, the common Gunslinger build ware is also included, which is mostly used by P2W or hardcore players and focuses on too much serious gameplay. Priorities, Lost Ark is your second job, High-cost build, don’t care about time or about losing your Gunslinger gear progression (Engravings in Accessories).
Furthermore, the shortlists below show some of the Gunslinger Engraving Builds that we recommend using in the Lost Ark game:
Low-Cost Balanced Gunslinger Hunting Time Engravings Build For F2P Players:
- Time to Hunt: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon): Level 3 or Any DPS engraving (No Grudge).
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: this inexpensive Gunslinger engravings build is For F2P Players with Low gold and low playing time and can be used in PVP and PVE.
Balanced Time to Hunt DPS Engraving Build For PVE & PVP:
- Time to Hunt: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon): Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: you can add Peacemaker level 1 to this build if you are lucky with Accessories. Also, you can swap Time to Hunt LVL 3 with Peacemaker LVL 3. Plus, it needs Critical / Specialty / Agility stats.
Common Time to Hunt Engraving DPS Build DPS For PVE:
- Time to Hunt: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon): Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
Note: you can switch Cursed Doll with Backstab Master and as same as balanced build it needs Critical / Specialty / Agility stats.
Common Peacemaker Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Peacemaker: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon): Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
Note: if you want more speed with this build, then replace one of the offensive engravings with Spirit Absorption. Plus, it needs critical/specialty stats.
Double Class Engraving DPS Build For PVE (P2W):
- Peacemaker: Level 3.
- Time to Hunt: Level 3.
- Adrenaline: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon): Level 3.
- Blitz Commander (Raid Captain): Level 3.
Note: I don’t recommend using the Gunslinger double class engraving build unless you are a Pay-To-Win Player who can spend a lot of money in the Lost Ark game every update. Plus, this needs Agility / Specialty / Critical stats.
LA Gunslinger Guild War GVG & PVP Build:
These engravings can be added to any Gunslinger build to be suitable for Lost Ark GVG or open-world PVP events.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Besides, if you followed the same Gunslinger balanced Speed Hunting Time engraving build & guide that includes Heavy Armor level 3, then it’s good enough for PVP.
Plus, it’s especially for players who don’t like to make many Gunslinger builds or grind and buy a lot of accessories in Lost Ark.
Still, in the Lost Ark Guild Wars [GVG], the PVP type is heavily P2W. Further, the previous Gunslinger builds and guides won’t help normal F2P players because it’s for massive P2W guilds or super hardcore PVE gamers.
To illustrate, it’s because you won’t be able to deal any damage if your female gunner class is lower in items or gear level. Therefore, check below to know more about it:
Lost Ark Gunslinger Class Engravings Details:
Below are small briefs of the Gunslinger engravings level 3 effect, which can power up the Identity or the special abilities of this female gunner character in Lost Ark:
Time to Hunt: increase the Crit Rate of Handgun and Rifle skills by +30%. However, you won’t be able to use the Shotgun Stance and its skills.
Peacemaker: increase the attack speed of Handgun Stance by +16% and increase the critical rate of Shotgun Stance by +25%. Plus, increase the damage of Rifle stance skills by +30% if animes are at 50% HP or below for 9s.
For more details about the rest of the engravings, check the guide below:
F2P Gunslinger Guide For Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
To progress faster with this female amazing gunner class in Lost Ark as a F2P player in less time and repetition.
Also, to maximize the fun while playing with your Gunslinger class instead of grinding all the time, check out the following articles to learn more:
Recommended Gunslinger Combat Stats In Lost Ark PVE & PVP:
Here you will find a shortlist guide of Gunslinger combat stats in Lost Ark PVE and PVP. Moreover, we added below some of the recommended stats including percentages, notes, and examples:
PVE Combat Stats:
PVE Stats 1: ~25% Critical & 15% Specialty & 60% Agility.
For Example: ~500 Critical & ~300 Specialty & ~1500 Agility.
PVE Stats 2: ~ 70% Critical & 30% Specialty:
For Example: ~1300 Critical & ~800 Specialty.
PVE Stats 3 (P2W): ~10% Critical & 25% Specialty & 60% Agility.
For Example: ~250 Critical & ~600 Specialty & ~1400 Agility.
PVP Arena Combat Stats:
PVP Stats 1: 80% Agility & ~20% Subdue & ~1% Critical:
For example: 1000 Agility & 249 Subdue & 1 Critical.
Note: this is a common PVP used by many classes including the Gunslinger class for the Arena. Besides, you can replace Subdue with Specialty based on your Gunslinger preference.
PVP Stats 2: ~60% Agility & ~40% Critical.
For example ~800 Agility & ~450 Critical.
Note: all Lost Ark classes including the Gunslinger can use the second PVP Stats in Arena.
Lost Ark Gunslinger Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For PVE/PVP:
Finally, here are Lost Ark Gunslinger class skill tree builds and tripods guides that can be used in PVE & PVP. Moreover, you can find some popular and adjusted skill builds to choose from for your lovely female gunner character:
Time To Hunt PVE Skill Builds:
Peacemaker PVE Skill Builds:
Gunslinger Arena PVP Builds:
Finally, we hope this gunslinger class guide is simple and useful for you all. In addition, this can be taken as a starting point for new players or something anyone can use when creating the Gunslinger class as an Alt character.
In addition, this guide and all builds in this article for the Gunslinger class were based on research about Lost Ark. Plus, it’s based on our long-term gaming experience.
Therefore, we would highly recommend making adjustments to our Lost Ark Gunslinger builds in this post based on your gameplay style. Similarly, to any other builds that you might get online.
Furthermore, don’t forget to take advantage of our Gunslinger guides and notes that were mentioned above.
Especially, if you are a new Lost Ark player who is looking to try out this incredible female gunner character for the first time with less effort.
Furthermore, support our Lost Ark Gunslinger guide by sharing it. Plus, for updates and more builds leave a comment here or on our social media pages. Also, you can share your Gunslinger PVP or PVE build here if you want to.