Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Class Guide & Builds for PVP/PVE: the stylish gunner character in Lost Ark, which most players see as the highest difficult class in the game.
In this article, we share our Lost Ark Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class PVP/PVE guide with DPS builds that include engravings, gameplay, stats, and skills. Therefore, you will acquire an idea of how to play this male gunner profession.
In short: Devil Hunter (Deadeye) is the 1st male gunner character that fights with guns in the Lost Ark MMORPG world. Besides, it’s similar to Gunslinger and difficult as well. However, it can be played differently in a simple way based on the Pistoleer engraving build, which locks all other guns.
Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Class Overview:
Devil Hunter or Deadeye is a gunner-type and a medium/long-range DPS class, which is playable in the Lost Ark MMORPG world.
It considers the first male gunner character that uses dual handguns as the main weapon including the ability to transform or switch them to dual shotguns and a rifle.
As a result, he will become possess three types of guns at the same time. Consequently, the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class can do stylish combat and fast combo in Lost Ark like the female gunslinger character.
Moreover, check out below Devil Hunter (Deadeye) related classes in Lost Ark MMORPG, including their guide and builds:
Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Identity:
Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Identity or special ability is all about using the 3 gun weapons or switching between them anytime. Where each weapon has its skills with a different range.
To simplify, the handgun is a medium-range with splendid skills, the dual shotgun is a close-range with heavy damage, and the rifle is long-range with a heavy finishing blow.
Is Devil Hunter (Deadeye) A Difficult Class In Lost Ark?
Devil Hunter (Deadeye) profession is considered one of the most difficult classes to master in the Lost Ark game.
Switching between the three weapons in a PVE fight against bosses consider a challenge. Besides, only some professionals can deal with it and have fun without struggling during the battle.
Furthermore, it needs as many skill points as possible since this gunner profession has many skills in his three weapons, which in turn raises its difficulty as well.
Therefore, don’t misunderstand the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class for its difficult gameplay by thinking it’s a bad profession because it’s not like that at all.
Still, if you are a fan of fighting with pistols only, then there is a class engraving that can block the rest of the weapons including increasing the attack power of the dual handguns. In turn, your gunner becomes an easy class in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Devil Hunter (Deadeye) PVE Gameplay:
To get an idea of the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class in Lost Ark, watch the gameplay videos we have selected below:
In the previous video, you can notice how the player moves his Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class and switches weapons while fighting the boss alone in one of the guardian dungeons in the Lost Ark game.
You can also notice his amazing playing style, where he moves with skills in a great way. As he gets behind the boss while damaging it, then attacks with the powerful skills that have backstep effects. In turn, achieve great consistency with high damage.
In the secondary video, you can see it’s one of the Pistoleer builds. Whare the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class using only the handgun’s weapons while soloing the same guardian boss dungeon.
The third video shows the PVP gameplay of the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class inside the Lost Ark 3V3 arenas.
Best & Top Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Engravings:
Here we present two ways to build the Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Engravings based on the gameplay type in Lost Ark MMORPG.
To explain, the Balanced Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Build (one for all) we tried to make it as low-cost as possible, effective, and easy to obtain for Casual Normal F2P and PVP players, such as the Balanced Pistoleer Engraving DPS Build.
Additionally, the Common Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Build is for P2W or Hardcore players that have High-Level Equipment that carelessly wastes gold and see Lost Ark as a second job, such as Common Enhanced Weapon Engraving DPS Build.
Furthermore, check the Lost Ark Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Engravings builds below:
Low-Cost Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Engravings Build:
- Pistoleer: Level 3.
- Any DPS Engraving: Level 3. (No Grudge)
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
Note: the Inexpensive Devil Hunter (Deadeye) PVP & PVE Engravings Build is For F2P Players with Low gold and low playing time. Plus, it can be used with Critical/Agility stats.
Balanced Pistoleer Engraving DPS Build For PVP & PVE:
- Pistoleer: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3
Note: you can swap Spirit Absorption and/or Blitz Commander with Cursed Doll or/and Backstab Master engravings based on your character stats.
Common Pistoleer Engraving DPS Build For PVE:
- Pistoleer: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Blitz Commander: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Note: If you find your gunner class too squishy and dying fast, you can switch Grudge with Backstab Master or Cursed Doll.
In addition, you can switch Spirit Absorption and Blitz Commander with attack engravings based on your character stats if you don’t need speed.
Common Enhanced Weapon DPS Build For PVE:
- Enhanced Weapon: Level 3.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
Note: you can swap Cursed Doll LVL 3 with Blitz Commander LVL 3 or Spirit Absorption engraving based on your character stats.
Besides, you can also replace Enhanced Weapon Level 3 with Pistoleer Level 3. Since other engravings work with both gameplay styles very well.
Moreover, for more survivability and to save gold, you can switch Grudge level 3 with Heavy Armor level 3 to create a Balanced Enhanced Weapon Build For PVE and PVP.
Second Common Enhanced Weapon DPS Build For PVE:
- Enhanced Weapon: Level 1.
- Grudge: Level 3.
- Backstab Master: Level 3.
- Sharp Blunt: Level 3.
- Cursed Doll: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 2 or 3.
Note: you can replace Sharp Blunt with Blitz Commander or any DPS engraving if your character doesn’t have enough critical strike chance stats.
Lost Ark Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Guild War GVG & PVP Build/Guide:
Use the following engravings in any Devil Hunter (Deadeye) build for Lost Ark GVG or open-world PVP events.
- Heavy Armor: Level 3.
- Indomitable Will: Level 3.
- Spirit Absorption: Level 3.
Additionally, the Balanced engraving guide such as Pistoleer build is good enough for GVG. However, it’s P2W and not for non-hardcore F2P players. Therefore, check below to understand more about it:
Lost Ark Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Class Engravings Details:
You can find below a summary of Devil Hunter or Deadeye class engravings effects at level 3:
Pistoleer: Increase the attack damage of Handguns by +60%. However, the Shotgun and rifle stances and their skills are now locked.
Enhanced Weapon: Increase the critical rate when you change weapons or stances by +30% for 9 seconds.
For more details about the rest of the engravings, check the guide below:
F2P Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Guide For Fast & Fun Lost Ark End-Game:
To advance faster with your Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class as a F2P player with less time and repetition, check the following:
Recommended Devil Hunter (Deadeye) Combat Stats In Lost Ark PVE & PVP:
The shortlist guide below presents the Devil Hunter or Deadeye combat stats builds in Lost Ark PVE and PVP.
Note: Specialty = Specialization / Agility = Swiftness.
PVE Combat Stats:
1st PVE Stats: 20% Critical & 60% Specialty & 20% Agility.
For example: ~500 Critical & ~1200 Specialty & ~500 Agility.
2nd PVE Stats: 20% Critical & 20% Specialty & 60% Agility.
For example: ~500 Critical & ~500 Specialty & ~1200 Agility.
3rd PVE Stats: 60% Critical & 20% Specialty & 20% Agility.
For example: ~1200 Critical & ~500 Specialty & ~500 Agility.
Arena Combat Stats:
1st PVP Stats: 80% Agility & ~20% Specialty & ~1% Critical.
For example, 1000 Agility & ~249 Specialty & ~1 Critical.
Note: many Lost Ark classes including Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class use the 1st PVP stats. Besides, Specialty can be replaced with Subdue.
2nd PVP Stats: 60% Agility & ~40% Critical.
For example, 800 Agility & ~450 Critical.
Note: all Lost Ark classes including Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class can use the 2nd PVP Stats.
Skill Tree & Tripods Builds For Devil Hunter (Deadeye) In Lost Ark PVE/PVP:
Lastly, the following are Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class skill tree builds and tripod guides that you can choose from:
Note: Don’t forget to make changes to the following Devil Hunter (Deadeye) skills build and tripods based on your current Lost Ark patch (region), combat stats, engravings, item level, and gameplay style.
Pistoleer PVE Skill Build:
Enhanced Weapon PVE Skill Build:
Arena PVP Builds:
Finally, We hope that our Devil Hunter (Deadeye) class guide is simple and useful for you all. As always, we highly recommend performing modifications on any Devil Hunter (Deadeye) engravings, skills, and stats builds based on your gameplay style.
Besides, if you are a F2P player and non-hardcore, try not to skip our notes and tips for Devil Hunter (Deadeye) which can advance you faster.
Especially, if you are a new Lost Ark player who wants to try out the male gunner character for the first time with less effort and time-consuming in this MMORPG.
Furthermore, support our Devil Hunter guide by sharing it and leaving a comment for more Lost Ark Builds for this male gunner class and continuous updates. Plus, you can share your Devil Hunter (Deadeye) build, engravings, stats, and skills with us here.