2B (YoRHa No.2 Type B), the NieR Automata character that came to Punishing Gray Raven (PGR) game as S Rank Attacker Construct in the Untold Naraka Event.
In this article, we share everything you need to know about the S 2B NieR Automata (YoRHa No. 2 Type B) S Rank Attacker character in our Punishing Gray Raven (PGR) game guide series. Moreover, it covers her Virtuous Contract Kai 6-star weapon build and Memory Signature/DPS builds, as well as her gameplay, and skills.
In short: 2B NieR Automata, the S rank Attacker construct with 100% Physical DMG in Punishing Gray Raven. Additionally, if you can get her 6-star weapon, it will increase her effects. Plus, you can build her using Darwin & Cottie Memory Set, and for the best result use 9S and A2 in the team.
NieR 2B Character Short Overview:
2B is an S Rank Attacker Construct that is also known as YoRHa No.2 Type B, she has 100% physical damage, which is a playable character in the Punishing Gray Raven (PGR) RPG game.
Where 2B Construct came alongside 9S and A2 characters with the NieR Automata collab update that was released in the Punishing Gray Raven game called Untold Naraka Event, which tells their story.
The 2B Construct and her Virtuous Contract Kai 6-star weapon are available for a limited time and only during the Untold Naraka Event (same for 9S and A2) If it follows the same CN region release.
More importantly, 2B still has the ability to self-destruct in PGR. However, this ability doesn’t have a useful purpose unless you want to see a nice view while playing. 😉
NieR 2B Is Free In The Second Untold Naraka Event:
If PGR Global follows the same CN region release, the Untold Naraka Event will returns again after several months (rerun) with a free 2B character.
If you are a F2P player, you don’t have to pull her from the first event banner unless you really want to get the 2B construct to rank SS for free when the Untold Naraka Event returns.
However, this doesn’t apply to the Pay-To-Win players since they can get the 2B character to her SSS+ Rank anytime.
2B Gameplay In Punishing Gray Raven:
To get a better idea of the 2B NieR S Attacker character in Punishing: Gray Raven (PGR) watch her gameplay below:
The previous video shows the gameplay of 2B Nier in an Untold Naraka Event that took place in the Punishing Gray Raven (PGR Global) RPG.
Nier 2B Skills Guide:
You can see here the most important skills info for the 2B NieR S Attacker character. However, since the numbers and percentages may change, you can read them in more detail inside the Punishing: Gray Raven (PGR) game.
Normal skills:
Red Orb: Attacks with both light and heavy weapons dealing physical damage and gaining Super Armor during activation.
Yellow Orb: Move ahead while brandishing the light weapon, which deals physical damage and moves targets in its path. Apply the withdrawal to foes hit that have their Attack reduced. Additionally, during the activation, the character receives Super Armor. Furthermore, the directional stick can be used to navigate the attack’s direction.
Blue Orb: Unleashes an illusion by POD, which deals physical damage to nearby enemies. Additionally, during the move, the character gains Super Armor.
Ultimate Signature Skill:
Charging the heavy weapon then Slash forward with physical damage. Moreover, when the final hit the target it activates a second attack phase that also slashes forward with the heavy weapon, dealing higher physical damage.
Core Passive:
The Yellow 3-Ping followed by any 3-Ping gives a 160 Stance Stability point. Stance Stability drains 20 points per second. Turning it on again does not refresh the duration.
In addition, enters Combat Stance while Stance Stability is active the Basic Attacks, Red/Yellow Orbs gain sword waves, dealing physical damage. Moreover, Blue Orbs can be used to break out from incoming attacks.
During Combat Stance, Red 2/3 pings orb grants 1 and 2 Data Correction stacks respectively up to 3 stacks, with each stack granting a physical damage bonus but the effect is increased when 9S and A2 are in the team.
Moreover, stacks are removed when the Combat Stance ends. However, when activating the effect again or Signature Move, it will refresh Data Correction’s duration and the combat Stance gauge doesn’t drain during Signature Move.
2B Leader Skill:
Increased the physical damage and 25 Energy at the battle start for 2B, 9S, and A2 when they are within the team.
Rank Passive Effects:
2B rank effects evolve by using Inver-Shards as follows:
SS Rank: When 2B, 9S, or A2 activates Signature Move, 9S, A2, and 2B Critical Rate increases.
SSS Rank: Increases Sword Wave damage and Signature move converts Yellow Orbs into random orbs. Plus, 2B and 9S gain 5 Energy when a sword wave strikes, and A2 recovers 1% HP worth of POD: Shield. Data Correction Attack buff is increased per stack but increases more when 9S and A2 are in the team.
SSS+ Rank: reduce received damage during skill activations and using Blue Orbs grants 0.3 seconds of invincibility. Plus, physical damage is increased but increases more when 9S and A2 are in the team during Combat Stance.
PGR Nier 2B Weapon & Memory Builds:
See the recommended Nier 2B weapons and memory builds for the Punishing Gray Raven (PGR) game below:
2B Weapons:
2B can work fine with the 5-star weapon. However, the 6-star weapon (Virtuous Contract Kai) will Increase the Nier 2B physical damage. In addition, her leader bonus effect is doubled and gains stance stability points when switching to battle with a Combat Stance of 2 stacks.
2B Memory Builds:
See the memory build set for the 2B Nier S Attacker character in Punishing Gray Raven as follows:
2 Darwin & 4 Cottie Set:
Darwin & Cottie Memory build set focused on 2B Nier Ultimate Signature Skill.
4 Cottie Memory Set:
2 Set Effect: Pinging orbs gains more energy and the Signature move requires less energy.
4 Set Effect: Extra damage when performing a Signature Move & gains a Super Armor with Extra DMG Reduction after the Signature Move. Both duration will reset every time it is triggered.
2 Darwin Piece Memory set:
2 Set Effect: boost damage when the orb pinged.
2 Cottie & 4 Patton Set:
Cottie & Patton Memory build set focused on 2B Nier physical damage.
4 Patton Memory Set:
2 Set Effect: increase the critical rate and Physical damage.
4 Set Effect: increase and stack critical rate until the character gets critical. Plus, the critical hits will increase physical damage for a short time, which can stack.
2 Cottie Piece Memory set:
2 Set Effect: Pinging orbs gains more energy and the Signature move requires less energy.
PGR Resonance For Nier 2B Weapons & Memories:
6 Stars Weapon Resonance:
- 1st Slot: Gain extra random signal orbs.
- 2nd Slot: Matrix dodge, increase movement speed, and decrease enemies’ DMG deduction.
- 3rd Slot: Final ATK increases when pinging 3 orbs.
You can also go 1 > 3 > 2.
All Memory Resonance:
- Top Memory Slot: ATK +15, CRIT +15.
- Bottom Memory Slot: Signature Move.
Team Setup For Nier 2B In Punishing Gray Raven:
Nier 2B Attacker can fit any physical team in PGR. However, for the best results use her with the NieR Automata constructs, the 9S Support & the A2 Tank, see the following:
Only Teammates:
- A2 NieR Automata: S-Rank Physical Tank.
- 9S NieR Automata: S-Rank Physical Support.
Check their guides below:
Finally, we hope that our Nier 2B the S-Rank Attacker Physical Construct Guide & Builds for Punishing: Gray Raven (PGR) is simple and useful for everyone. For additional information, check below:
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